In development | Documentary series, HD, 4 x 50 min, planned date of release: 2027
Frozen Ocean
Director: Viktória Dénes
Writer: Viktória Dénes, Richárd Viesz
Producer: Julianna Ugrin
Co-producer: Valérie Montmartin (Little Big Story, FR)
DOP: Richárd Viesz

Supported by:
Creative Europe MEDIA

Sponsored by:
Canon Hungary

Pitched and developed at:
DocCelerator Story workshop 2023
North Pitch - Below Zero 2024
FIPADOC International Pitches 2024
DOK.Forum München 2024
Ex Oriente Series workshop 2024 (Sunny Side of the Doc, DOK Leipzig, EDP Prague)
A team of young filmmakers, sailors and a researcher embark on an expedition to the Arctic, following the traces of a historic voyage. They are on a quest to gather the knowledge that might help them and the coming generations to deal with the consequences of climate change.